
Around the preventive cares well-being of the citizen since its generation until the end of the life is suggested. What in the neoplasias it does not establish an association between them in the acometido being and the existing factors of risk (MUTTI; PAULA; SOUTO, 2010). The category of cares in cancer, the phase of diagnosis, the treatment and the control is belongs to the well-taken care of dressings. Official site: Home Depot. The precocious diagnosis facilitates in the treatment and assists in the control of the illness. ' ' … Some contend that Harvard shows great expertise in this. The current treatments have two great objectives: to increase the taxes of supervened, minimizing the delayed effect of the treatment; to reintegrate the child in the society with quality of life.

E, thus, counts on three modalities: quimioterpica, radioterpica and cirrgica' ' (MUTTI; PAULA; SOUTO, 2010, p.72). The control phase is descritvel, also, for the possibility of relapse of the illness after the ending of the treatment. Followed for clinical and therapeutical accompaniment, to verify the return occurrence and to control if it all had or not sequels decurrent of the process. For each neoplasia a type of treatment exists, but in general way the treatments include the chemotherapy, that is the use of highly powerful remedies with the objective to destroy, to control or to inhibit the growth of the cancergenas cells. Another treatment it is the x-ray that consists of displaying the patient the ionizing radiations and to the surgery, used for the neoplasias in initial period of training and since that does not compromise the life of patient (MUTTI; PAULA; SOUTO, 2010, p.72). Still being about cares, when the cancer already is in the very advanced period of training without cure possibilities, it is necessary that it has a gradual transistion of the well-taken care of dressings for the palliative cares. According to World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), of concept defined in 1990 and brought up to date in 2002, Well-taken care of Palliative consists of the assistance promoted for a team to multidiscipline, that objective the improvement of the quality of life of the patient and its familiar ones, ahead of an illness that threatens the life, by means of the prevention and relief of the suffering, of the precocious identification, spotless evaluation and physical, social, psychological treatment of pain and too much symptoms and spirituals.