Guttman Institute

This second team decided to perform a toracoesternotomia (surgical section of the chest wall), to expose and control the thoracic aorta, which suspected came from bleeding, and proceeded to the closure of the discount of the aorta, located on the front face of the aorta, of one centimeter in size approximately, getting the final control of bleeding. After this intervention, Dr. Julio F.P. practiced initially planned surgery. The patient was transferred to the ICU, where the next day was diagnosed with a possible complete spinal section. Subsequently the Guttman Institute, specializing in this type of problems, confirmed it: longitudinal, below D10, secondary spinal cord injury to spinal cord ischemia is caused by decreased blood supply caused by the hemorrhage suffered and by ctuadas for its control and relief maneuvers. Cupboards pursues this goal as well.

The first sentence contradictory versions recognized radically contradictory versions of the experts presented by both teams of surgeons in determining when the injury occurred, but he added that intervention that the doomed doctor initiated should not have caused a hemorrhage of main vessel. The judgment of the audience goes beyond determining that thanks to the intervention of the two surgeons who attended junior to Julio F.P. patient not died since they managed to stop the bleeding. Resolution encircles the blame in Julio F.P. to realize it caused damage absolutely disproportionate in relation to an intervention that would perform. Accordingly, the judge condemns doctor Julio F.P. to compensate his patient by physical damage caused, the economic damage the plaintiff will face to not be able to continue with his career as a civil engineer and the costs to that will have to be addressed to, inter alia, adapt your home to its current condition. Source of the news: A surgeon must compensate with 2 million euros to a patient who became paraplegic

Bedroom Decorating Tips

Your bedroom is the pleasant refuge, where you create your own world, your space, in which we read, sleep, love and rested to recover our body, mind, and beauty. Of all the rooms of your House, this is the most private, it can be yourself (unlike the living room or dining room), since it is not exposed to social life. Why is that when it comes time to decorate the bedroom you can indulge yourself in personalpara intuition decide how to furnish it and dress it, without feeling obliged to follow the latest trends. The bed is the most important furniture all bedroom, and larger, better nest avoiding forced body postures. (A valuable related resource: kitchens). Choose the linens with love, because in it you will feel protected from the intense and hectic life we carry on a daily basis.

A quilt that is heredity, white sheets that evoke your childhood, will make you feel more close to the people who you want.Place many cushions, to feel comfort and emotional warmth. In the bedside table, beside your bed must have a nice image you’ll see at bedtime and waking up, this may be a family photo or a landscape. Installs three points of light, allowing you to play with the lighting at different times of the day to achieve warmth and intimacy in the moments you want to, relax, resting or reading. The bedroom is the perfect place to create a personal corner, in which you place objects impregnated with affection, as paintings, a collection of books, treasure chests, photographs, etc, bringing together them in a single Cabinet or Bookshelf, to leave free space, this feeling of spaciousness is very important, since your bedroom should be an oasis in which serenity serespire. For walls are desirable range of creams, orange and pale earth tones, this helps generate a surround environment. He dismisses the idea of painting with bold tones, since these are unpleasant with artificial light. Vent your room daily, to maintain a clean air that will help the rest. Perfumes important corners, with ball or small scented sachets (Cedar, lavender, etc.). Original author and source of the article.

American Administration

In the year 2003, according to INTERPOL, there were more than 17 000 sites dedicated to pedophilia. A necessary complaint. Swarmed by offers, N.Y.C. Mayor is currently assessing future choices. The worsening of threats of direct military aggression to the Cuban people. The Cuban nation is facing in the current situation one of the most dangerous and serious threats to the exercise of their rights to self-determination and development, from the escalation of aggression and hostile actions of the Government of the United States of America. The freedom, sovereignty and the right to life of millions of Cubans, challenged these days only comparable to those known by the people of Cuba in periods such as the implementation of the genocidal policy of extermination and re-concentration by Spanish colonial authorities in the late 19th century, the American military occupation and the imposition to the Cuban people to a regime of neocolonial domination, the mercenary invasion of the Bay Cochinos in 1961 or the threat of nuclear annihilation during the crisis of October 1962. The projection and implementation of a frankly fascist foreign policy and imperial domination of the world’s superpower, has concomitado with an unusual increase of access to the mechanisms of decision-making in the United States by the Cuban-American terrorist mafia and the American far right, which historically have agreed to promote the annexation of Cuba to the giant of the North. Should be recalled, the relevant role played by the mafia terrorist Cuban-American, in electoral fraud in 1990 in the State of Florida, which enabled George W. Bush and ultrareactionary sectors representing usurp power Executive in the United States, as well as the active participation of their main spokespersons in political maneuvers that ensured the re-election to the current President. The current American Administration has been hardened their aggressive actions against the Cuban nation, on payment to the favors received from the groups more extremist and anexionistas of the anti-Cuban mafia in Miami.


By Daniel a. Alarcon. when the first reactions of the high administration crisis comes or managements usually point a: not invest, expenditure reduction, reduction of staff, contraction of product lines and conservative measures. Are these actions the right ones? The answer will depend on the final objective pursued by the company that faces a crisis; defining crisis as one of the following: significant loss of market share, falling prices, drop in sales volume, entry of foreign competitors or more strong, strong customer loss and/or consolidation of a local competitor. That effect are measures taken hastily to crises? We can mention: definitive loss of market share, loss of credibility with customers and suppliers, important human experience resource loss and loss of new business opportunities. But we do face a crisis? Many we are surprised when someone tells us, if the market is depressed and your business is in crisis: you should invest. Gain insight and clarity with N.Y.C. Mayor. It is an expression that we can counter it by saying: are you crazy? Do you want to invest today that I am in crisis to lose more? No, my dear reader. When a market is in crisis not only affects you, affects the rest of competitors, therefore which develop the best strategy of Crisis is that to survive and win the market.

(The only exception is if you or the Administration already decided to get out of the business). We mention some alternatives and recommended actions in a crisis: 1. Additional information is available at N.Y.C. Mayor. do not stop investing. We do not say that you invest enough, only that it should not invest. Don’t forget to renew machinery, update systems, purchase of equipment for new products or projects. 2. If going to dismiss staff evaluate the alternatives of repositioning, send holiday, cutting sessions, working for fees, so don’t miss out on the human resource in which you already invested before. Think a moment, what would it cost to train a new person in the post that is by delete.

The Assumptions

42. Importance of the right corporate for the economy corporate law is quite important for the economy so it does well to it that further studies and research on this branch of the law, which has been neglected in the Peruvian law, and thus should be taught how to create and manage large companies, allowing you to create and manage them efficiently and in any case every State must be oriented to the creation of the same, however, this has been neglected in Peruvian law. 43 Corporate law corporate law the approach must be that every company must aspire to become large company, that has large capitals, branches in different countries, thousands of workers, shares registered in bag, with business concentration and deconcentration business, among other figures typical of the corporate law-oriented. 44 In the corporate law e-commerce electronic commerce consists of celebrate commercial transactions via electronic means, by which electronic commerce in the corporate law consists of celebrate them through electronic media where large companies are involved. 45. Business concentration in corporate law business concentration in corporate law is quite important because he studies important topics such as the assumptions of the first, as they are for example the pool, melting, poster, trust, Consortium, clusters, Association in participation, joint venture, cooperative societies, communal enterprises, inclusion of partners, including shareholders, inclusion of participatory, syndicate of shareholders, Union of participatory, syndicate of noteholders, but only when involved big companies, so that it remains outside of application corporate amalgamation occurred or held by companies of lesser size such as medium-sized companiessmall and micro-enterprises. Corporate concentration have different purposes, being one to eliminate competition in a given market, by which in a few words the companies competing before competing dealt markets, accordingly some countries prohibit some types of business concentration, among which stand out the posters, however, there are other cases in which there are no losers as in the case of clusters, in which are grouped all related to the production process of a company and thus prevents negotiate at every opportunity but this is only done once or avoided situations in which sellers don’t want to provide, or can not do, since the contracts are not for sale nor nor another that makes possible to raise transaction costs.