Social Service

Of this form, the present work if based on the bibliographical research for understanding that this in passes a bigger understanding on the subject and ' ' it is developed from elaborated material already, mainly constituted of books and articles cientficos' ' (GIL, 1999, P. 65), which is divided in sections and subs-section respectively. Thus, in the first section a historical briefing of Manaus will be carried through, its development from the economic periods and the happened transformations of the sped up urbanization and as consequence the sprouting of the slum quarters aggravating still more the problematic habitacional; problem this characterized by unhealthy housings constructed of disorganized form, unprovided of infrastructure, basic sanitation and access to the public services. After that, he will be boarded to the importance of the Statute of the City in the planning and development of the social functions of the cities, where from the instruments of the urban politics that will be extended and democratized access the land and the housing the federal, state and municipal level, having as focus the basic right of the citizen in possessing a worthy housing. At the third moment, the description of the Social Service in the Brazilian society from the movements of the social classrooms will be made, causing significant and extremely important changes for its efetivao while profession, where the same comes to contribute for a culture of the right and the citizenship, being opened new branches of professional performance, amongst them the insertion of the Social Service acting in the area of the habitation through programs, projects, having the commitment to exert its function based on its code of professional ethics. 1.BREVE HISTORICAL OF the CITY OF MANAUS literatures According to searched the process of development of the State of Amazon if does not constitute of great singularity in what it refers to the process of development of Brazil in general way.