The Information

Just to realize what meets us again and again as a repeat pattern, as recurrent patterns, as in habit on our way of life. This behavior pattern, thinking or policy but also decisions, which we always in the same direction is made, thought and decided and thus eigentlich already are perceived as our seemingly very own reality may be. (A valuable related resource: home improvement). As well, it can include the recognition that perhaps a potentieller habitual tendency is we own, type feel attracted to the same partner. Or also, we a repeating schema recognize in our world of work, which perhaps our Development ability limits this, because we always looking for jobs, where development actually seen even is not in the offing. The whole of us discovered information material is generally important and helps us to be clearer, so conscious about our automatic, often only by behavior patterns gepragtes and demnach externally given existence. First and foremost, it is especially important that we recognise this and acknowledge, so this Phanomen as capture belonging to our lives, and this without too much to negativieren.

Just simple only the uninvolved observers to be with interest studied the recurring movements of life and is aware that wiederholungen, structures have also their meaning as experience and we would have no evaluation, no growing understanding as such without them. We observe first only the repeat pattern, recognize and acknowledge them as such, and only then, from this Acknowledgement of reality, we can process the information as such and utilize. What so much bedeutet than that we then begin to examine the patterns and structures on their impact and so start to question their constructive. We can collect here so a lot of useful material for us and it almost as a side effect specifically acquire the capacity, to learn to distinguish the productive productive UN repeat patterns. Therefore we win then the sensitivity, certain repetitions, think certain recurring and behavior structures definitely classified as suffering transferring pattern for us to be able to.

And we open ourselves at the same time the transformation process that is especially innerlich happening on our emotional level. And which allows us us as a result, politic against the old, the same result to decide-generating patterns therefore as hinfuhrend potentiell to the goal finally releasing it again. The real inner emotional insight about the destructiveness of the pattern can be finally sticking to the limiting repeat patterns without us. Detecting behavior patterns and schemes also by other custom is an essential part of our work, so what we liberation call self and is thus on the way to the wiederherstellung of our freedom indispensable.