
The power to cure all diseases, invisibility, telepathy, the ubiquitous and so on. Note that, symbolically, the powers of the alchemist ready very well the power of the subconscious, or our soul. Sometimes, an alchemist was a serious public demonstration but most often private, transforming a piece of lead into pure gold. Its sole purpose: to demonstrate how his spiritual journey level was reached. This demonstration was the result of a long labor, a permanent work on the subject and himself. Initially, the alchemist was to choose the best material to work. If he was mistaken for metal, the experiment was doomed to failure.

We can immediately draw a parallel with a bad career choice or purpose in life. If you choose a profession solely in terms of earning large sums of money, resulting in five, ten or twenty years will burn out or depression. Make the wrong choice by negligence, greed, ignorance or to please the environment often leads to the failure of his creative talents. Neglect our aspirations and our actual attributes is always dangerous. Joseph Palley gathered all the information. Subsequently, it was to watch for many years if not his whole life this process of transformation. Check the heat, crush, decalciner, purge, water and drown the molten metal with the morning dew, or the new or full moon. Lead and imprisoned in a glass retort passed through all stages of processing and then finally to the Great Work. Yael Aflalo has firm opinions on the matter. The latter consisted of two precious commodities.

The Philosopher's Stone that the alchemist breaking and reduced to powder rubies. Then the Elixir of Long Life, famous for curing all diseases and prolonged life of its possessor beyond a hundred years! Desires of all desires. This ruby powder wrapped in wax and cast into the middle of molten lead transformed it, after cooling, in the purest gold of the world. Through hard work, filled with a full confidence that the final result the alchemist continued his work in solitude and silence. Please understand that our inner transformation is like a work of alchemy. Purify our thoughts, our words, our deeds, our physical body and mind of all slag or waste is a long job, but possible. For the slag called: hatred, envy, jealousy, cunning, selfishness, anger, violence, prejudice, revenge, guilt, greed, lies, greed, etc.. We can never completely eliminate the dark side of human nature as it is part of our evolution. However, with time and catch everyday consciousness we can control it and prevent it from hurting us and hurting others. This work is part of our mission on Earth. So we can say loudly that we are all and all the alchemists of the twenty-first century. However, some well-known precepts, any transformation or metamorphosis must take place in pain. This suffering is not necessary. I know it's a concept that has a hard life. Take time to realize our true values. From our right to happiness, the Health and True Love. So, these new energy light heal all cells, molecules and cells of our physical body. In addition, our mental health will be much better. Like the phoenix, we can revive our ashes. This is my personal opinion after my 33 years of research into spirituality and humanism. So, I invite you to visit my blog: Wishing you a great discovery for yourself.