Guttman Institute

This second team decided to perform a toracoesternotomia (surgical section of the chest wall), to expose and control the thoracic aorta, which suspected came from bleeding, and proceeded to the closure of the discount of the aorta, located on the front face of the aorta, of one centimeter in size approximately, getting the final control of bleeding. After this intervention, Dr. Julio F.P. practiced initially planned surgery. The patient was transferred to the ICU, where the next day was diagnosed with a possible complete spinal section. Subsequently the Guttman Institute, specializing in this type of problems, confirmed it: longitudinal, below D10, secondary spinal cord injury to spinal cord ischemia is caused by decreased blood supply caused by the hemorrhage suffered and by ctuadas for its control and relief maneuvers. Cupboards pursues this goal as well.

The first sentence contradictory versions recognized radically contradictory versions of the experts presented by both teams of surgeons in determining when the injury occurred, but he added that intervention that the doomed doctor initiated should not have caused a hemorrhage of main vessel. The judgment of the audience goes beyond determining that thanks to the intervention of the two surgeons who attended junior to Julio F.P. patient not died since they managed to stop the bleeding. Resolution encircles the blame in Julio F.P. to realize it caused damage absolutely disproportionate in relation to an intervention that would perform. Accordingly, the judge condemns doctor Julio F.P. to compensate his patient by physical damage caused, the economic damage the plaintiff will face to not be able to continue with his career as a civil engineer and the costs to that will have to be addressed to, inter alia, adapt your home to its current condition. Source of the news: A surgeon must compensate with 2 million euros to a patient who became paraplegic