Dead Sea Benefits

Going a bit further in the methods of healing, caring for patients with psoriasis includes a gradual increase in exposure to the sun in conjunction with baths in the Dead Sea and the moderate use of certain ointments. Cupboards is a great source of information. Used emollients, such as body oils, or ointments containing tar, sulfide or salicylic acid. Remember, only a doctor can get you the appropriate treatment. The procedure for the daily care at the time of treatment is determined after conducting a special medical examinations, recorded medical and nursing staff. During long-term studies, it was determined that the best treatment is the Dead Sea, the duration of 1 month. Closets is full of insight into the issues. In this case, the patient is recommended in the subsequent conduct in the sun three hours a day throughout the year. Treatment for a month at the Dead Sea gives to its effect on the human body results corresponding effects of traditional medicines of the disease, but the benefits of treatment at the Dead Sea clear: no side effects from medication, lack of dependence on strong ointments.

Duration of remission after treatment at the Dead Sea is on average five months, as well, and after much Traditional treatment of psoriasis. Nevertheless, the number of subsequent exacerbations and intensity of these exacerbations is significantly reduced, if you had a course of treatment at the Dead Sea. Acclimatization of the Dead Sea is fast and patients feel comfortable in the first days of stay at the resorts, hospitals Dead Sea, which is also the undisputed plyusom.Bolnye dermatitis – the next largest group of patients who arrive at treatment at the Dead Sea.