Since January

As a financial interest that is Is funeral almost inevitable – but for whom it also useful? Safe for those who want to financially secure its nationals in the event of his death. Actually anyone who wants to know the funeral costs covered. Also in old age insurance can complete, because usually no health check is carried out. However, the extent of which is insurance, the Sterbegeldversicherungen or more recently the funeral care offer product, confusing for the uninitiated. Therefore, it is especially clear to be that desire of a funeral arrangements in advance only with a funeral director should be discussed. This can give you an exact overview of the costs of the required pension scheme. There is nothing objectionable. Trust requires full transparency, without ifs and buts.

The expected costs are known, it is to find the best insurance rate for his needs. Also this modern Bestattungsdienstleister help often, since it neutral without binding to an Insurance companies can advise. For more information see: summary: why is a funeral care important? A timely pension scheme gives your loved ones feeling good right to act by following your own personal specifications. Use a funeral care so that your members have the certainty, that burial is according to your own ideas. With the funeral provision contract you will meet an individual pension with detailed specifications.

The precautionary agreement governs the type of burial, the scope of funeral services – services, external third parties, as well as the end of the celebrations and formalities. The contract is legally binding and is about the death of a party beyond. The heirs, nor a third person are entitled to change your specifications from the funeral provision contract. The accountholder can clarify his desires at any time during his lifetime. A pension contract is normally with no Cost combined. Possibility of depositing the pension scheme in the Federal Chamber of notaries. Why is the financial protection of burial interest important? Must you lament the loss of a family member, one is confronted with the truth, that not only the life costs money. The total cost of a funeral are nowadays already often at 5.000,-euros and more. Since January 1, 2004: Full cancellation of legal death money. This means a complete self-financing of burial is necessary. Rising municipal fees. Stagnating employment and pension income. Protect your loved ones from financial burdens in the bereavement. Who can complete the funeral insurance? Each person independently complete a funeral pension age. How can the funeral provision be secured financially? Funeral trust account (Bank, savings, insurance) life insurance private insurance