Removable Covers For Furniture

When something our grandmothers used to actively removable covers to zaschit expensive furniture from dust and dirt from the sun and mischievous children. GM may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Today, designers have discovered the enormous potential of removable covers on the textile furniture is great opportunity to diversify the simple and inexpensive interior to make it more stylish and modern. With the covers on the furniture is easy to vary the look and mood of the room: it can be done more elegant or more strictly, brighter or safer. Covers on the furniture style you can emphasize the room – make it more classic, more 'country', 'ethnic' or a more modern, such as denim or patchwork style. Removable covers can combine the style and color of various items of furniture, quickly change the style and color depending on your mood or the season before the child's holiday or New Year, make a note of 'fun' or a stylish accent to boring interior, and just update it: instead of throwing boring or tattered furniture and buy new – buy, order, or make removable covers. Of course, to do covers with their own hands – very tempting, but it is not easy and requires certain skills in sewing. The easiest way, of course, make chair covers for pillows and headboard for the bed.

It is tempting to make blankets with his hands in the nursery – embodied in furnishings mother's love becomes a kind of talisman of the child. And if you do not believe it, just sew a new furniture kids 'odezhku' – then no one will reproach you for your little flaws in needlework, and in children become more comfortable and easier to observe cleanliness. Textile furniture covers can be tightly seated, free flowing, or in the form of draperies. Dense cover perfectly conceals the defects of furniture or upholstery, looks great in Classical or minimalist design, but requires special care manufacturing. Free cover to make it easier. But its production requires certain skills. Well done pattern and then cut out the fabric and sew a bag is not so simple.

True, the case can be linked. In this case, the knitted fabric will make invisible certain inaccuracies in manufacture. Go to the back and armrests details can be attached to the cover with ties. This technique removes excessive strictness and facilitates the process of 'lifting-putting. " Agree, it is important, especially in a home where there are pets. Element 'fixing' itself can be a style-forming: a strict emphasis fastening the buttons or frivolous ribbons, zippers or straps. Free Covers, usually, or not attached or mounted only on the seat or backrest. Fixed furniture covers just pounce on furniture as a drapery, or fasten with Velcro, hooks or with safety pins. Removable covers for furniture can be used continuously, and can be worn (and sometimes changing one furniture 'odezhku' to another) prior to the arrival of guests or Sunday lunch. Imagine how wonderful instantly transform a room for the solemn event in your home, children's events or the New Year. Source: Stylish intrery