Existence Injury

For the authors of this study clearly head produces symptoms of concussion. (7) CONCLUSIONS reading the different papers, one is surprised to see that while some evidence of the existence of repetitive traumatic brain injury due to head the ball in football, there are others that show no brain injury in that sport players . If those who play football are millions of people, a statistically significant scientific study should take a population of several hundred players. This study has not yet made. But if you look closely you will notice that the work can be grouped into: those who show an injury and attributed to pitch two which are attributed to injuries but the other head trauma than the pitch occurring during football matches.

3 Those who do not find any neurological impairment. 4 Those who sought and found alterations or injury after pitching sessions. 5 They tried to measure the force of the blow to the head considering the possibility of brain damage .. In the first two groups show the existence of chronic brain injury is as if two opposing sides throwing the blame from fighting each other. The injuries are but the fault of the other sequels are actually brain and today there is no way to tell if it slumbered many times or because they hit so many other players off guard posts or balls. A related site: cabinets mentions similar findings. Could it be that there are actually a bit of everything and possibly its consequences were added? In the third group where no injuries found, we can say that being the small sample should not be surprising lack of cos pathological findings.