Adapt Room

Every child wants to have his own room, my corner. The boys want to see their room as a headquarters or a robber of the spacecraft, the girls are on the contrary, the royal house of his corner, or a beautiful castle among the country's elves on a flower meadow. All the fancy paints his tale, his own room. So let's begin. The most important thing, from what you have to push off in the choice of an interior for a child's room, this is the age of the child. If your child quite small, and you have decided that from childhood he would have his own room, then there is emphasis on the interior in light, pastel colors. Cupboards: the source for more info. Since all the childhood environment should be relaxing, harmonious and comfortable, without bursts of wild spots of bright color.

Just do not overload the child a variety of home furnishings. Cots, lockers, a special table for small children, and a small sofa, which could sometimes, need to sleep a baby mama – the first time will be enough. When your baby becomes a little older, you can gradually get a few more additions of children's furniture. Important to remember that a child does not must be free of "dangerous" for the child items. That means glass, sharp, or electrical appliances are best left outside the room. Cabinets understands that this is vital information. Sockets preferably positioned so that when the baby starts to walk, he was unable to their reach. Try to keep mobile phones, laptops, do not remain in the nursery.

Better they do not use the baby in the room. Radiation is strongly influenced by an adult and a child, so all the more. The room should be light, and ventilated, but make sure your bed is not located in a draft. The curtains on the window should be easy, with no additional "pylesobiratelnyh" ornaments of heavy fabric. In children, they no good. Light in room to do better in two types: one main, ceiling, and the second in the form of a lamp, it can be as a floor on the night light a long stalk (so it was good resistance), or sensory table lamp. This light is the most comfortable as for baby and parents. Of course, the room must be left open space. After all, when the kid grows up a bit, and you decide to celebrate his birthday, not only the family but also to invite other children, need more space. And if you invite an animator and a real holiday for fidgets, with games, balls, programs that are always prepared for a clown, a space in the nursery just is a must! All this is simple but proven advice to help young families in creating a harmonious and comfortable space in the apartment for their baby.