Evangelist Year

For good luck in the New Year December 31 to sunrise light the set in a row on the dining table wax candles. They should be as much as in your home the person lives. While they will burn, let each member of your family deals with any your favorite business. Then the entire year in this case it will be successful. The candles will burn fully let. The remaining wax from them the oldest in the family should gather and include up to noon Jan.

1 at the first of House intersection. There's left hand it needs to stop three times and say: "Paid!" Then he should turn over his left shoulder and in the same way back home. Get rid of diseases and troubles if you have a fireplace or stove, you can try the following plot. If not – do not despair. The same can be done about the fire, at least you can start a fire in a house on a metal sheet. To get rid of the disease and all bad, that was last year at sundown last day of the year, tie a red woolen yarn has become now useless in the past calendar year (each, tear, wall, rolled in a tube).

Throw him in fire, saying: "Burn, burn, calendar, burn last year's misfortune, that they are no longer coming back! Peace in this house! Amen. Ask for blessings for the whole year in the New Year's Eve, shortly before midnight you can ask for a blessing of the twelve apostles of the entire coming year. For this you need an icon of the twelve apostles, which put on the table, and around the church twelve lit candles. Then a quiet but audible voice, without haste and without confusing words, and say the spell. Experience all the solemnity of the moment, because you do not just pronounce names, and bless every month this year. Words Spells are: Andrew – Jan. Peter Simon – February. James Senior – March. John the Evangelist – April. Philip – May. Bartholomew – June. Matthew the publican – July. Thomas – August. James Alpheus – September. Thaddeus – October. For more clarity and thought, follow up with closets and gain more knowledge.. Simon the Zealot – November. Judas Iscariot – December To year successfully live his own in the period from 1 to January 14 at any convenient time to wash all their three things: winter, summer, autumn and spring. Erasing, from time to time say: "spoilage removed by (a), overcame the evil eye (s) fail dried (a). So be it. " This spell will also say when we will wring his clothes and then hang to dry. That's all. However, there is one disadvantage: the fact that washing, not ironing! Then wear these clothes in the crucial moments of life, and problems will be much less than had been planned by fate.