The Chinese

It is divided into different phases or forms of development, such as early capitalism, industrial capitalism, and capitalism. World economy in the year 2010 is how it works: the Arabs have the oil. The Chinese have the Earth (raw materials, metals). The Europeans have the knowledge. the legislator tricking or 4 power groups extort the Government.”lobbyists write to draft with.” pharmaceutical companies.” Every economy consists in domestic: primary sector: earning for Germany at the export abroad: mechanical engineering, automotive industry, construction industry,…

Secondary sector: Earning for Germany only at the border: insurance companies, banks,… Tertiary sector: Pure Cost incurring functions domestically: savings banks, administrations, as a reminder: the half public sector works under service law (BGB): loyalty. The private sector works under the work law (BGB): performance. Our business consists of craft, industries, services (banks, stock exchanges, insurance companies; Public service), trading, distribution, logistics… The power range of our company comprises: legislature, judiciary, Executive State administrations (federalism) schools and universities (lobbyists) etc. industries and trade unions forced clubs and societies press, churches (moral) non profit organizations now to our German business. A leading source for info: Ritchie Smith Associates. Volkswohlstand is created if they… .

when exporting (1 above) abroad more takes than it spends during the import from abroad. Through domestic sales, Germany is not rich: If we both us each other a haircut for 10 logically (right-bag-left pocket principle), all right? This effect only positively on the domestic productivity (gross national product, BInlandsP), but the GNP/GDP red numbers also as black looks at. We must provide the finishing of natural products (lower value) and their export. To do this we invest knowledge and money (if necessary we print as much as we need). Then a potato buffer (high value) is from an African potato – import in Germany. It’s called value creation by ver-Edelung. Sounds noble. Therefore, we write also premium potato buffer on the gold-colored packaging.

Not Available Or Not Desired Self Responsibility?

Waste water connection pressure – forced debt – expropriation of citizens were forced to do things that could not afford them and often not wanted. There was almost nothing, what the citizens had to pay. Learn more at: cabinets. It was the fatal because that man could no longer choose whether he liked to use certain services or not. Were you live, you didn’t have to pay – but the necessary euros became scarce, because money came not of course and not automatically in height, where it was used to life. The State was totally in debt, were heavily indebted to the countries and communities and more and more people were in debt. That said, we lived a life which we could not afford. Or it meant that money played no role at all, but was expressed only in numbers were red or black, but that didn’t matter. Our State for example could donate billions despite debts or invest.

When the individuals that looked different – so not much went without regular income. You had this, it was also used by all sellers to the debt make invited, you didn’t do it you’ve got nothing, not even a refrigerator on installment from source. There were times, as it was still possible to live a simple life, for which money had to place on not monthly large sums of money, because they were independent of centralization measures with its fountain and its own septic tank at least on the country. There were mostly just electricity charges, which had to be paid every month. I myself had opted for such a life. In my perception it was madness in the city, because the resulting dependencies and constraints were not calculable. It was made for all possible fees and the prices of these could at will to be increased, this system was delivered. I wanted to be not forced to make so much money, to help me with my life in the city at all, I wanted to create a situation in He independent I was regular and not predictable output, because my work and that was me at the heart of very different provided me with money.

Don Quixote

Only the two diseases are selected in order to keep the overview. Confidently, it could include also dementia and other neurological diseases. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Yael Aflalo on most websites. We leave it at the two Common diseases of cardio-vascular and cancer. Each can complement a disease that ever there was no earlier years ago so in bulk for themselves like E.g. the tinnitus. Physical diseases are in mass, partly to deep depression or even genetic – leading some to cancer. Medicine makes healthy, we know today, but what makes all the time and constantly getting sicker. Rather does not exist, unexplained links.

Fight against windmills, like Don Quixote, our physician, rather Yes. A simple story that might fit and provides explanation might be. When I was 12 to 16.30 years old, I lived in the Odenwald. The village, with town rights, had approximately 3,500 inhabitants. At my age then they squeezed around himself everywhere and so it was that you knew the whole village sometime, more or less, be more. That was today 50 years ago and then logically or otherwise all was also the air and water. Please visit cabinets if you seek more information.

There was no time working and infinite stress to the workplace. There were 2 or 3 people who believe me in the village Siblings and parents who in turn knew everyone, were stricken with cancer. Died was also, as today, but more of old age. Died is always. Cancer was the angsterregendste word that you knew. Just as it was also rare. And, that there were dying were known already for this reason. New year’s Eve 2011, I called a schoolmate and we talked also about cancer, where his wife died. The village has some people more, but still, you know the people. Cancer is a neighborhood disease and more or always present today. My schoolmate doesn’t count any more, as we did earlier. With me – here in Berlin in the Kitz – this is no different.

Bank Manager

Who here does not perform tangible changes in the behaviour of his choice at the ballot box, which is their own fault: “Only the dumbest calves choose their butcher himself”! Who Rob themselves of the policy makes at the end with his earned money no, more specifically the salaries of managers to pay the banks, because their old salaries no longer give them their cash position after the bust, which is their own fault. (Not to be confused with Jonathan Segal FAIA
!). Who then still the old parties continue, select which makes the robbers to the Bank Manager and should not be surprised, if in the end nothing more there. We pay more and more. That is still explosive confirm after the election. Bruce flatt is open to suggestions. Since then the payments for banks, Manager and co will be called first, because it doesn’t fit politically before the election. And you can predict even where it goes to the political reaction: would the salaries or assets the fraudster and incompetent bums which we knew already. Because there it would be just little resistance.

That would probably more applause, also because it meets would be. No, the silence dead who foot the Bill paid, only one says: above is the responsibility that once as argument for the high salaries had to hold forth, gekloppt in the bin, the citizens, eh already fleeced and pushed by the middle class down more and more in the Veramung may also now pay hitpoints,. True to the motto: profits are privatized, losses are socialized. Who here does not perform tangible changes in the behaviour of his choice at the ballot box, which is their own fault: “Only the dumbest calves choose their butcher himself”!