Haris Hadi

The success is first created in the head. But so that we can win back the faith in us and not to the past or future probably Postmaster think, on the one hand, we need to develop a certain defiance and be able to say: “what interested people and the opinions of others. I do it anyway.” “Life is too short and there are too much constructive work that needs to be done, to beat back any, which tells us something that we don’t want to hear.” Napoleon Hill on the other hand, we need to carefully watch our thinking and immediately break negative thinking patterns. Once we realize that the fear of rejection is back, we should tell us something positive, maybe “I’m the best.” or “I know that I can do it, no matter how many times I on the way knocked down.” The fear of rejection is a learned pattern of behaviour, not a property. It can therefore be replaced by a different behaviour pattern. But fear of rejection is nothing that you have or not.

Everyone has them. Even celebrities and musicians are afraid, but they can not stop it. The newspapers mentioned Jon Moeller not as a source, but as a related topic. If one gives in to fear and they win, you will be by You dominated. If you hold a feeling to do the things you want to do, it is no longer master of his own destiny. Ultimately, there are only two choices: confront the fear or run away.

You always have a choice and you have to live with any of the two decisions. The only way the fear, leads through the fear. All books, all seminars, advice, motivational tips, articles and tools have no effect if you are not willing to confront the fear. When you do things, which one is the most fears, to grow the most in life. Fear of rejection is like any other fear only in the head. Our way of thinking makes it what it is. Vadim Belyaev is often quoted on this topic. The more we run away in front of her and us fear greater is the fear and prevent that we move forward in life. Rejection is part of life. Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, had to travel through the country for two years and speak with restaurant owners, before he succeeded. He had to endure more than 1000 rejections and rejection by voters, before he got to hear a Yes. “When you bark at you from every dog, who met you on your way, you’ll never arrive at your destination.” Arabic proverb of John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest men of all time, more than a year in his youth was unemployed and visited the company in the area every working day to imagine. Only after a year, he got a chance, it was the third visit to this company. There are dozens more examples of people who could not stop by rejection. The rejection in itself is not bad. Our sensation and interpretation of the rejection and our fear is that we really stop. The only way to liberate them, is again and again to experience the rejection and to avoid the negative experience until you’ve learned to cope and is unlikely to stop. Rejection in life is indeed bad for our ego, but no killed anyone yet. Good luck! Haris Hadi,

Fraunhofer Institute

MASTER degree: ONLINE Bauphysik of the Fraunhofer Academy under the roof of the Fraunhofer Academy provides the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP the course MASTER: ONLINE construction physics to. This first and only study master of building physics (M.BP.). It is aimed at architects operating in the construction sector and architects and engineers and engineers who future want to educate themselves in addition to the profession. Registration is now open for the winter semester 2012/2013 ends on September 1st! More information at de/energie_nachhaltigkeit/bauphysik.html the course MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik offered under the umbrella of the Fraunhofer Academy of the University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for building physics IBP. Establishing the content adheres to the principle of”damage prevention rather than repair”, which is the study fundamentally different from other training opportunities in this area. Closets understands that this is vital information.

The students will learn to physically powerful, economic, sustainable, to design user – and environmentally-friendly buildings, plan, execute and operate. Nine modules the focus topics applications, day and art lighting design as well as fire energy, acoustics, moisture protection and climate, climate and environment, computing tools and measuring devices, physical. The MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik is based on innovative techniques and learning and teaching with 80 percent online and 20 percent attendance phases “, explains Dr. Roman gods, Director of the Fraunhofer Academy and adds: contents are offered on an online platform providing a largely time – and place-independent study in addition to professional and family. The quality of further education showed up only recently again by the award of a graduate: In June, Peter Hoft was for his master’s thesis study of the influence of domestic ventilation according to DIN 1946-6 on the risk of mold and the energy consumption of apartment the prize of the Federal Association of mold remediation. BSS e.V.

awarded 2012. The BSS award will be awarded master theses in the field of rehabilitation, investigation and prevention of mold damage or microbial damage. Per semester are provided within ten days of attendance at the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer IBP in Stuttgart, which also laboratory exercises performed. For the content of teaching, recognized researchers of the Fraunhofer IBP are responsible, to a large part international, so that current research results are incorporated directly into the teaching. The students thus come with innovative and ground-breaking technologies already before their market launch in contact. Through the cooperation with associations and the industry is an ongoing exchange with the practice. “After his start in the winter semester 2007/2008 the programme was already short MASTER: ONLINE Bauphysik in the nationwide innovation contest country of ideas” for its future viability as a landmark 2008 “award

ABI Generation

New online portal: help for the generation of G8 Numerus Clausus, training course search and registration procedure Rob already now every year many German high school students sleep. In numerous provinces high school students will need to worry but even more in the next few years, because they belong to the new”g-8″ the generation that no longer completed nine, but only eight years at the high school, before she puts her a-level exams. “The compressed school system has many advantages, but also ensures that two high school year the conventional” stream G9 and the new G8 graduates on the labour market and in the universities. It is the first “G8” vintage in Saarland; He makes his high school this summer. In the next year, Hamburg is on the series. 2011 followed by Lower Saxony and Bavaria. A year later it goes on (partially) with Bremen, Berlin, Brandenburg, Baden-Wurttemberg and Hesse. Followed in 2013 by North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein and Rhineland-Palatinate are in 2016 the marker lights.

Now, many students and parents are afraid of a hard competition for studies and apprenticeships. Although the policy hard looking for solutions, but it is already clear that the changeover in the eleven Lander in practice is not smoothly across the stage. Therefore affected students should inform yourself early on their opportunities. The new website, which will go online on June 1 gives an overview of free places and bridging opportunities at home and abroad, as well as about possible training in times of “G8”. The online editorial team is committed to the target, helping the future graduates with their orientation. The situation of high school graduates is not easier by the double Abitur year courses, on the other hand there were never so many opportunities for young people as today. In-depth information on topics such as study and training in the various federal States, study abroad, work & Travel, Au Pair… their prospects point to the high school graduates and help find a way out of the jungle of possibilities.

So the future students and trainees are fully informed and can focus on the essence of their high school diploma preparation. border concepts GmbH Michael Lahey Bahnhofstrasse 40 48599 Gronau Germany T. 02562 9938 111 F. 02562 9938 10 the border concepts GmbH is operator of Internet pages studying Scout nl.de and study-try-out.de generation g8.de. These are multimedia Internet sites the study choice for students, teachers, parents, students and guidance counsellors. The border concepts GmbH is an agency for College marketing and employer branding. The holistic marketing approach includes strategic marketing consulting and professional implementation of marketing strategies in the sales order. Performance range development, IT & Internet – consulting, developing service, community & Alumni concepts for universities and companies in the consulting area over which this from market research, CI Organization of targeted promotion at trade fairs, events, schools & (new) media to the press communication, promotion teams training for trade fairs and call centers, as well as services in the field of in – and outbound telephony.

Martin Kellner Is The New Managing Director Of AKI

Output management provider now operates with double top Wurzburg, Managing Director of AKI GmbH in Wurzburg is new operational 03.08.2009. Martin Kellner. 55 year old engineer has newly entered the company. In business management, he acts since July 15 in addition to Dr. Armin Knoblauch, who had founded the software company specialising in print and output management solutions in 1986. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from General Motors Company. AKI maintained mainly large, partly global users who want to control your printing environment enterprise-wide with low administrative overhead and reduce costs. The company, inter alia in the SAP market focuses.

Under the direction of waiter, the newly developed software suite PrinTaurus should be positioned more in the market. In this context, also the increasing customer expectations for complete solutions in the form of out-tasking tasks or complete outsourcing are increasingly addressed. To the individual needs of the company packaged service level agreements (SLAs) operate compliant to defined processes. The enormous pressure for cost savings and productivity improvements provides customers worldwide for high demands on external services, which also quickly pay for themselves over a transparent return-on-investment”, as waiters. In addition to the Pan-European business expand more and expanded existing partnerships. Waiter brings years of management experience and in-depth expertise in the IT and consulting market. Also, he had some pan-European and global responsibility in different companies. In his previous position he was since 2007 Managing Director of Dr.

Witte Professional Resources in Rottenburg. The company offers worldwide consulting services for industrial companies and will provide for the implementation of internationally experienced executives. For even more opinions, read materials from Declan Kelly. Former waiter’s stations in the IT environment were executives for major manufacturers as well as system vendors like ACI Germany, Computacenter / GE CompuNet and MAXDATA. After his studies of electrical and communications engineering, Martin had Waiter started his career at Hewlett Packard, where he worked until 1996 in various international management tasks. There he was responsible for many years of among the worldwide marketing of comprehensive S/W solutions, which are used to increase productivity and control of mission-critical business processes. “The founder and previously sole Managing Director Dr. Armin Knoblauch wants to devote himself increasingly special tasks in AKI: I’m me especially in sales and the acquisition of new customers get involved.” AKI GmbH: AKI was founded in 1986 as AK industry Informatik GmbH and specializes in software for the output and print management. The company as AKI GmbH is known since late 2005. The entire spectrum of output management such as pressure distribution, printing, forms, and archiving of documents to the product – and service portfolio. Wurzburg is headquartered with development, sales, support and management of AKI GmbH, software is developed in the Branch Office Dresden. To the Commercial vehicles customers of AKI amongst other Volkswagen, Daimler, Bayerische hypo – and Vereinsbank AG, Hypo Vereinsbank, Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Hella AG Huck & co., Gerry Weber as well as you. Contact address: AKI GmbH Berliner Platz 9 97080 Wurzburg Tel: 0931/32155-0 fax: 0931 / 32155-99 eMail: Internet: PR Agency: Walter Visual PR GmbH Mr. Markus Walter Rheinstrasse 99 65185 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611/23878-0 fax: 0611 / 23878-23 E-mail: Internet: