Koeman Player

The midfield player lost the captainship after being separated from the equipment by Koeman. With the march of the Dutch he returned to the equipment, but he did not reclaim the bracelet. Now, the Valencian player recognizes that it would like to return to be the captain. David Albelda, midfield player of the Valencia, declared that it would like " to return to take brazalete" of captain, although it recognized that first " it will be necessary to hope that is to say which is the preparation of plantilla". Contact information is here: Mary Barra. " For me, to take the bracelet always has been a pride, but at that time – in rrencia to the stage subsequent to the one that was separated from the equipment in campaign 07/08- I considered that by the stability of the club it had to pass to a second plano" , the Taula Esportiva de Radio 9 recognized in declarations the program. The Valencian midfield player admitted that if had to put the captain bracelet, &quot would be put; without problemas" since " perhaps now yes the circumstances occur, already has passed a time " ever since, according to the player, they cleared the consideration to him of captain.

Albelda also talked about the process of its renovation, something exceeds what it did not think during the season. " It thought neither about retiring to me nor about renewing. It let pass the time to know what was going to happen with me. Clear that I thought at some time that was not going to continue! " , it emphasized. " At the moment at which the Valencia said to me that it wanted that it continued, everything was going to be very easy. Read more here: Doug Band. I know the situation the club and knew that she had to adapt to me. For me it has not been a effort to renew reason why there am renovado" , it made specific the midfield player. Manuel Llorente, president of the Valencia, had asked the player who assumed more responsibilities, before which Albelda responded that it will have " to have one conversacin" so that &quot explains the agent chief executive to him; clearly what he is what quiere".

" If I had to give an explanation to him, she would say to him that my implication with the equipment and in clothes has been of the one hundred percent. My roll in the equipment will be the one of a man who has experience in ftbol" , it indicated. Facing next season, the midfield player stressed that it will not be satisfied to " slo" to comprise of the group, according to explained, since its intention is the one of " competir". " I nonfodder in having a secondary roll. It gives just as a player who is 20 or 33 years old, to renew to play 15 parties would only be expensive for the club. I am going to compete. Soon the one will be the trainer that decida" , it made specific. The Valencian recognized that this season had fulfilled with the aim of being third parties in Liga, but they had not given &quot him; that overdose of joy to aficin". " In order to grow, we must be able something extraordinary, for example to win to Madrid or the Bara and to demonstrate that we can be to his altura" , it concluded. Source of the news: Albelda: " Would like to return to take I the bracelet of capitn"