Learn Singing Sound

One of the mistakes more frequent that people commit when you want to learn to sing is not putting enough attention to the issue of the pitch of the voice. We refine our guitars, pianos, violins, saxophones and for some reason don’t refine our voice. For me this pointless. We focus on achieving different notes, more acute or more serious records. We strive to sing in a relaxed way, we keep at the pace but we forget to make sure that the notes we sing are correct. I’ve heard this error many times and that’s why I want to put an end to.

In reality, tune your voice is much easier than it may seem. The first thing you have to be clear is to be able to tune your voice, the first thing that you have to strengthen your ear. It is important that you learn how to develop your ear, paying more attention to what you hear. To sing, listen to your voice and feel your own body, pay close attention to what happens: as your voice vibrates to occur, as your breathing sets the pace in which you sing (and vice versa), which parts of your body You tense, which relajas how sound when you feel such or such a way. If you are not convinced, visit General Motors Co. The idea of this exercise is to awaken your senses and put you in a most sumptuous mental state than you get used.

Pay attention to your thinking. Listen to variations in pitch, volume, pace that there is in how you talk to yourself. Pay attention on the here and now when you sing, what happens inside and outside your mind the thing is that your whole body is part of your vocal apparatus. Since your posture up your movements affect the way in which your voice you produce. In a sense, refine your voice is a kind of intelligence. Tonal intelligence. It uses some well-tuned instrument to practice. Hit a note, listen to it and produces the same note with your voice, while you repeat the note on the instrument and listen to the result, and changes the tone of your voice, pair it with the instrument, until you feel as they vibrate both notes, as if they embonaran. Learn how to reduce the time it takes to vibrate with the instrument until you can follow it in real time. Some practice is required but You will discover that it is easier than it seems. Listen carefully. Remember, it is not develop only your vocal power and the register of tones that you can produce, you also have to develop your sensitivity to produce the exact sounds you want to produce and be able to start to sing in a creative way, with much more emotion. Think that your instrument is your voice, and that, as any instrument, is also important to keep it tuned.